1. 对象字面量
1 var myObjectLiteral = {2 3 variableKey: variableValue,4 5 functionKey: function () {6 // ...7 }8 };
1 var myModule = { 2 3 myProperty: "someValue", 4 5 // object literals can contain properties and methods. 6 // e.g we can define a further object for module configuration: 7 myConfig: { 8 useCaching: true, 9 language: "en"10 },11 12 // a very basic method13 saySomething: function () {14 console.log( "Where in the world is Paul Irish today?" );15 },16 17 // output a value based on the current configuration18 reportMyConfig: function () {19 console.log( "Caching is: " + ( this.myConfig.useCaching ? "enabled" : "disabled") );20 },21 22 // override the current configuration23 updateMyConfig: function( newConfig ) {24 25 if ( typeof newConfig === "object" ) {26 this.myConfig = newConfig;27 console.log( this.myConfig.language );28 }29 }30 };31 32 // Outputs: Where in the world is Paul Irish today?33 myModule.saySomething();34 35 // Outputs: Caching is: enabled36 myModule.reportMyConfig();37 38 // Outputs: fr39 myModule.updateMyConfig({40 language: "fr",41 useCaching: false42 });43 44 // Outputs: Caching is: disabled45 myModule.reportMyConfig();
2. 模块模式
1 var testModule = (function () { 2 var counter = 0; // 私有变量 3 return { 4 incrementCounter: function () { 5 ///6 /// 增加计数 7 /// 8 return ++counter; 9 },10 resetConter: function () {11 ///12 /// 重置计数13 /// 14 counter = 0;15 }16 }17 })();18 19 // 使用20 testModule.incrementCounter();21 testModule.resetConter();
1 var myNamespace = (function () { 2 // 私有 3 var myPrivateVar = 0; 4 var myPrivateMethod = function (foo) { 5 console.log(foo); 6 }; 7 8 return { 9 // 公有变量10 myPublicVar: 'foo',11 12 //调用私有变量和方法的公有函数13 myPublicFunction: function (bar) {14 myPrivateVar++; // 增加自由的计数器的值15 myPrivateMethod(bar); // 传入bar调用私有方法16 }17 };18 })();
1 var basketModule = (function () { 2 // 私有变量 3 var basket = []; 4 5 function doSomethingPrivate() { 6 // ... 7 } 8 9 function doSomethingElsePrivate() {10 // ...11 }12 13 // 返回一个暴露出的公有对象14 return {15 addItem: function (values) {16 ///17 /// 添加item到购物车18 /// 19 /// 20 basket.push(values);21 },22 getItemCount: function () {23 ///24 /// 获取购物车里的item数25 /// 26 return basket.length;27 },28 // 私有函数的公有形式别名29 doSomething: doSomethingPrivate,30 getTotal: function () {31 ///32 /// 获取购物车里所有item的价格总值33 /// 34 var itemCount = this.getItemCount(),35 total = 0;36 while (itemCount--) {37 total += basket[itemCount].price;38 }39 return total;40 }41 };42 43 }());44 45 basketModule.addItem({ item: '面包', price: 5 });46 basketModule.addItem({ item: '黄油', price: 8 });47 console.log(basketModule.getItemCount());48 console.log(basketModule.getTotal());
3. 揭示模块模式
1 var myRevealingModule = (function () { 2 3 var privateCounter = 0; 4 5 function privateFunction() { 6 privateCounter++; 7 } 8 9 function publicFunction() {10 publicIncrement();11 }12 13 function publicIncrement() {14 privateFunction();15 }16 17 function publicGetCount(){18 return privateCounter;19 }20 21 // Reveal public pointers to22 // private functions and properties23 24 return {25 start: publicFunction,26 increment: publicIncrement,27 count: publicGetCount28 };29 30 })();31 32 myRevealingModule.start();
4. 更多模块模式的代码
/* 匿名闭包 */(function () { var MyAPP = { version: '0.0.1' }; MyAPP.print = function () { console.log(MyAPP.version); }; MyAPP.print();}());/* 全局导入(Global Import) */(function ($, YAHOO) { var MyAPP = { version: '0.0.1' }; MyAPP.print = function () { console.log(MyAPP.version); }; MyAPP.print(); $(function () { $('body').html(MyAPP.version); });}(jQuery, YAHOO));/* 模块导出(Module Export) */var MODULE = (function () { var MyAPP = {}, privateVariable = 1; function privateMethod() { ////// 私有方法 /// // ... } MyAPP.moduleProperty = 1; MyAPP.moduleMethod = function () { // ... }; return MyAPP;}());/* 高级模块模式 */// Augmentation(augment modules.)var MODULE = (function (my) { my.anotherMethod = function () { // added method... }; return my;}(MODULE));/* 松耦合扩展 */var MODULE = (function (my) { // 添加方法 return my;}(MODULE || {}));/* 紧耦合扩展 */var MODULE = (function (my) { var oldModuleMethod = my.moduleMethod; // 重写模块方法 my.moduleMethod = function () { // 方法重写,此处可以通过oldModuleMethod访问老方法 }; return my;}(MODULE));/* 克隆和继承 */var MODULE_TWO = (function (old) { var NewApp = {}, key; for (key in old) { if (old.hasOwnProperty(key)) { NewApp[key] = old[key]; } } var super_moduleMethod = old.moduleMethod; NewApp.moduleMethod = function () { // override method on the clone, access to super through super_moduleMethod }; return NewApp;}(MODULE));/* 跨文件私有状态 */var MODULE = (function (my) { var _private = my._private = my._private || {}, _seal = my._seal = my._seal || function () { delete my._private; delete my._seal; delete my._unseal; }, _unseal = my._unseal = my._unseal || function () { my._private = _private; my._seal = _seal; my._unseal = _unseal; }; // permanent(永久) access to _private, _seal, and _unseal return my;}(MODULE || {}));/* 子模块 */MODULE.sub = (function () { var my = {}; // ... return my;}());/* 组合使用 */var UTIL = (function (parent, $) { var my = parent.ajax = parent.ajax || {}; my.get = function (url, params, callback) { return $.getJSON(url, params, callback); }; // etc... return parent;}(UTIL || {}, jQuery));